Friday, November 4, 2011

Everyone is a Media Outlet

This short really points some interesting ideas on the way that information is not processed and transported throughout the world. In the past the information that we once received was written by professionals and was received through credible new sources such as newspapers, the radio and T.V newscast. Now a days much of the information we receive is from a less than professional source in  most cases. When we hear about something its usually over the banter of Facebook or Twitter not so much CNN or The New York Times anymore. I don't believe that traditional sources of journalism will ever die, they will just be put on the back burner for now. Who knows eventually amateur journalism will show its faults and the  population will realize that it is best to stick to the journalist with a background. Don't get me wrong in some cases you need to hear the story of the public from first hand. However we should not depend solely on one form of journalism over the other. To get the real story you must find the perfect balance between amateur journalism and professional journalism. It may take some research but finding out the truth will make up for the time spent researching.

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