Thursday, November 24, 2011

Blog 4: UWW PR Alumni

As much as I love attending UW-Whitewater I cannot wait to finally graduate and begin the next chapter of my life. UWW has been very good to me throughout the past few years. I have learned so much throughout my education there, especially about myself. However its almost about that time that I begin so say goodbye and start preparing myself for my professional future. After watching these many short videos about lives and careers of UWW PR allumni I have become extremely excited about my future. Most of the PR professionals seemed to be so knowledgeable and enthusiastic about their job. I feel like it is very seldom that you people so passionate about what they do! I just loved it!!
Although I enjoyed many of the videos there were three that really seemed to stand out...
1. Lynnette Hulgan was probably one of my favorites because she reminds me a lot of myself. She very enthusiastic about her job and really knows what she is talking about. She really shows a passion and drive for all that she has done and I think that is why she is so successful.
2.Kristin Gritt is another PR professional that I really enjoyed listening to. She  was very honest about her career and the many steps it took for her to get where she is today. She was also very enthusiastic about her career. You can really tell how passionate she is about her career and this is what has lead to her success.
3.Rick Daniels is also another PR professional that I really enjoyed listening to. He was also very knowledgeable and passionate about his job. He really had a lot of advice to offer. The advice was well appreciated.


  1. I agree with you, I can't wait to graduate and move on but the advice that some of these PR professionals gave in their interviews was very insightful.

  2. I'm looking forward to graduation as well, and definitely appreciate the advice from these PR professional. Rick Daniels gave great advice on networking and internships.

  3. These last four years have absolutely rocketed on by, its crazy! However, I feel like UWW has prepared me for the business world in almost every aspect of my life. I also enjoyed Lynette's video, she is very personable and seems like a blast to work with!

  4. Kristin,

    Everyone is looking forward to graduation but one must remember that when we start working we will work for the rest of our lives. The best idea is to enjoy school while you still can because in the future you will look back and miss the days with roommates. For your three video selections I completely agree, each gave great insight into being successful after college.

  5. I understand where you're coming from with wanting to graduate and move on. I am graduating in less than a month and I can't believe it's happening! It's such a bittersweet time in my life but i'm so excited for the days ahead. The videos reassured me that life after graduation happens and it's all a matter of how you approach it!

  6. I think the reason we pick our favorites is because of how we relate to them. In a future job we are all dying to be happy and appreciate what we're doing. Because of the enthusiasm in many of the videos, it made us appreciate PR professional positions. I completely agree with the awesome three videos selected, they did a fantastic job!
