Thursday, November 24, 2011

Blog 4: UWW PR Alumni

As much as I love attending UW-Whitewater I cannot wait to finally graduate and begin the next chapter of my life. UWW has been very good to me throughout the past few years. I have learned so much throughout my education there, especially about myself. However its almost about that time that I begin so say goodbye and start preparing myself for my professional future. After watching these many short videos about lives and careers of UWW PR allumni I have become extremely excited about my future. Most of the PR professionals seemed to be so knowledgeable and enthusiastic about their job. I feel like it is very seldom that you people so passionate about what they do! I just loved it!!
Although I enjoyed many of the videos there were three that really seemed to stand out...
1. Lynnette Hulgan was probably one of my favorites because she reminds me a lot of myself. She very enthusiastic about her job and really knows what she is talking about. She really shows a passion and drive for all that she has done and I think that is why she is so successful.
2.Kristin Gritt is another PR professional that I really enjoyed listening to. She  was very honest about her career and the many steps it took for her to get where she is today. She was also very enthusiastic about her career. You can really tell how passionate she is about her career and this is what has lead to her success.
3.Rick Daniels is also another PR professional that I really enjoyed listening to. He was also very knowledgeable and passionate about his job. He really had a lot of advice to offer. The advice was well appreciated.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My views on Twitter

I would have to say that my initial thoughts towards Twitter and Tweeting were pretty negative. I'm not a person that likes to continuously update others on what I'm doing and interested in every second of my day. Since really getting to know Twitter its beginning to growing on me.  I wouldn't say that I Tweet as often as I should but i do often look at others Tweets to see what's going with them. I tend to find useful information from others posts including lots of information that pertains to PR professionals.  On a professional stand point I think Twitter and Tweeting are very useful tools to take advantage of. Not only is it free but it is also very easy to use and master. It allows your message to reach many different audiences in a matter of minutes.
Find me on Twitter at @KristinHardy10 .

Friday, November 4, 2011

Everyone is a Media Outlet

This short really points some interesting ideas on the way that information is not processed and transported throughout the world. In the past the information that we once received was written by professionals and was received through credible new sources such as newspapers, the radio and T.V newscast. Now a days much of the information we receive is from a less than professional source in  most cases. When we hear about something its usually over the banter of Facebook or Twitter not so much CNN or The New York Times anymore. I don't believe that traditional sources of journalism will ever die, they will just be put on the back burner for now. Who knows eventually amateur journalism will show its faults and the  population will realize that it is best to stick to the journalist with a background. Don't get me wrong in some cases you need to hear the story of the public from first hand. However we should not depend solely on one form of journalism over the other. To get the real story you must find the perfect balance between amateur journalism and professional journalism. It may take some research but finding out the truth will make up for the time spent researching.