Thursday, September 15, 2011

Covergence Culture

Henry Jenkins Interview Link # 1
In this short first interview Henry Jenkins a Media scholar, professor at MIT and author of many media related books discusses and explains Participatory culture, Convergence media and mass collaboration. Beginning with Participatory culture, Jenkins explains that everyone is   potentially the producer of media as well as the consumer which allows for mutual satisfaction between the producer and the consumers. This is process that has been dates back at least two hundreds years. Collective intelligence is another topic that had been brought up by Jenkins. Collective intelligence is based on the notion of a liberation where as we pool our knowledge and work together to solve a problem and reach the desired solution. This fundamental theory is separate from the wisdom of crowds but unfortunately these two opposite theories can often be paired together by unknowing professionals. Wikipedia is not a product it is a process of collective intelligence because it collects information and eventually all information will be correct as more people begin to share their input.   Wikipedia and Britannica may appear similar but are very different. Wikipedia is seen as a process where as Britannica is seen as a product. Search engines such as Google and Dig are the opposite because they take the average answer to a question which allows more accuracy. Our world is moving more towards a collective intelligence because eventually the benefits will outweigh the disadvantages. Media is everywhere we go and it is very hard to find a place
Henry Jenkins #2
Henry Jenkins a professor at MIT, media scholar and author of many media related books discusses the  new media landscape. He explains that we are always at a constant transition of media. As one media is created another is left in the dust. Media is always changing because we as the consumer are always looking for something new and more intriguing. Convergence culture can be explained as a world where every story, brand, image, sound and relationship spreads itself out across the maximum amount of media channels. Everyone who uses media adds their input whether they realize it or not. We are developing technologies around collective intelligence which allows government produced data to be more easily monitored.
Transmedia project is where the story or media is spread throughout a variety of media platforms.  President Obama's campaign can be used as an example of  a Transmedia Project. He used Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, text messaging and other types of media to reach everyone throughout the nation.  The Transmedia Project allows more people to tell their stories allowing more diversity in the media. This just allows our populations to become more aware of each other, the different medias and gives us the chance to grow together and let technology evolve. 

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