Thursday, September 15, 2011

AP: The International Language of Journalism

AP style is a style of writing like none other. Nothing beats its consistency and ability to get one's point across clearly and efficiently. AP style was created by The Associated Press which is one of the world's oldest news services according to  It was created to standardize the important details of our lives from the simple things like street addresses to more complicated things like word usage, punctuations and grammar.
It is very important to follow AP style writing because it simply just makes everything that much easier for everyone. From the personal relations professionals to the editors and journalists it offers a standardized form of writing that gets the intended message out efficiently. According to Debbie Hilt the author of  AP never goes out of style, editors and reporters can get anywhere from 10 to hundreds of press releases in about a day's time. Which sounds completely insane but it's true. With this amount of competition it is important that one uses AP style correctly otherwise all their hard work may be thrown out in a matter of seconds. AP never goes out of style
Knowing AP style can make your career as a pr professional  much more enjoyable and much longer. It allows your work to have a much better chance at being published. Journalists are much more likely to look at a piece of your work when it is in AP style over any other format. This is true because most journalists are always facing huge time crunches. By formatting your press release into AP style you are saving them  much needed time. AP style also increases your credibility as a pr professional. Most professionals will not look at your work unless you are willing and able to use AP style format correctly. AP style is just an important part of the job description which is impossible to get around. AP tips
AP style writing makes your news release and facts much more relevant because less time is used  to go through, edit and reformat the writing. In most cases if  AP style is done correctly it allows for fewer errors and enables the information to reach the audience more quickly. Since AP style is for the most part universal it allows very little room for error between the pr professional and the journalists. It just makes everyone's lives so much easier which is important to any journalist, client or pr professional.
Honestly if I were given an AP style quiz today, I would be in rough shape. I've only had this guide for about week and since then I have only used it a few times. Yes, I know this is no excuse. However as I have been writing this I have become more acquainted with this guide. At first it is a bit overwhelming but eventually I can see it being very simple. So at the end of this semester I think I'll be ready to take any AP style quiz  that a future interview may contain.


  1. I think it's great that you recognize the importance of AP style for your career. It's always good to work towards a goal. When I was reading the class articles for this blog post, I just kept thinking, "What if they just stopped using AP style format and wrote like everyone else?" "Why did they choose to create their own style of writing?" I guess I'm just unsure of the benefits of having your own style of writing. It's kind of like an non-secret version of a kids made-up language.

  2. I like that you really hit on the time-saving aspect of using AP style. If I was a journalist with the choice of pulling my information from two different people, one who used ap style and one who wrote casually, I sure would choose the one whose writing is already formatted the way I need it.
