Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Facebook: A PR professional's Gold Mine

 Facebook has over 800  million active users as of  2011, 350 million of which are connected through their mobile devices. These statistics  can be found on  Facebook and prove the value that Facebook plays in our professional careers. The fact that Facebook allows us to reach such a vast variety of people throughout the world so easily is truly a blessing. Other social media trends are becoming popular as well but Facebook is truly the leader in this innovation. The other social media sites such as Twitter and YouTube are popular as well  and do offer a different look at social media.  However they do not offer all that Facebook is capable of. Twitter and YouTube seem to be very limited to what you can actually do on their sites and because of that people seem to enjoy Facebook 
Currently Twitter only has 106 million active users which is about 700 million less active users than Facebook. That means with Facebook you are able to reach 700 million more users than its leading competitor making it the ultimate source for PR professionals. Don't get me wrong Twitter is great too, but seems to be very limited. Some Twitter statistics can be found using Twitter Marketing Trends . I like the fact that Twitter allows you to get straight to the point and to "retweet" if you like something. This allows for a message to become viral, which is nice, but I still think Facebook is better. Its just set up better and allows you to do more with it. Many different companies have caught on to Facebook craze and can be found using this social media network. It also helps that all the different advertisements are catered to you the customer. If you go to the Ads You May Like section, there are numerous ads that are based on the things that Facebook and it's sponsors think you may like. Which makes the experience more enjoyable for the Facebook user and the PR professional.
Many of the company's that came up on my Facebook's Ads You May Like section were clothing and shoe company's and company's advertising their Breast Cancer awareness. Which when you think about it it totally makes sense. I do enjoy shopping as do many other girls my age so of course we love getting sales and coupons just for being your  friend on Facebook.  American Eagle on Facebook allows you to look at the company's new season campaigns and find out about any new promotions. They also allow you to learn more about the company and its mission. All in all this would not be possible on any other social media site. Facebook is the way to go!


  1. Facebook ads are extremely important for the success of Facebook. And they’re just as vital to organizaitons as well. Companies can individually tailor an ad to consumers who have similar likes and dislikes. This makes the company’s message extremely beneficial because it hits the perfect target market and is evident to the people who care the most. Companies save money and time identifying a target market because Facebook does it for them. Facebook’s benefits will only continue to grow as social media because more popular.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree. As much as I love Twitter, Blogger and Tumblr, Facebook is still number one in my book. No other social media site lets you interact as much was Facebook does.

  3. LOVE the facts you put into your blog! I tried to look at Twitter when I was looking into the social media influence because it was so new to me, but I agree Facebook has changed business' and organizations worlds. Facebook has become number one in the social media and tops every other social media site.

  4. Advertising is a key advantage for Facebook over Twitter, which is a major reason it has a larger following than Twitter. I like how you incorporated a lot of useful material in this post to really get your point across!
